Friday, June 26, 2009

No, I Don't Play the Cello. Neither does Aoi. . .?

Ow, my English.

GAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh I'm so disappointed D:

Ayabie released their new single, "Aitakute," in May (so yes, I'm a little late, but I only really got into them recently). . .


NNNOOOOOO o o o Oo oo O oo ooOoooOoOOoooo this can't be the same band that gave us 君の声と約束 and TheMe and ひなげし >___< (my fav. songs ^3^)

Oh, how can this beeeeee???????

WWHY AYABIE WHY?? 何で????????




え. . . それはちょっとちがうよ。^ー^’’

And Aoi! Don't even get me started >__<

I thought his vocals have improved recently- BUT WHAT HAPPENED O__O

It's like he wasn't even trying ;___;

"Soprano" made me cry from having absolutely no real melody and "Summer Chime" was WHAT.

The guitar rhythm in that song has been done by so many bands before (and NOT VK bands) *dies*

What are they trying to dooooo? Did someone threaten them to not make any more good music?

Gaaaaaah everytrhing that makes Ayabie *Ayabie* is gone T__T

Hopefully their next release will be better. If it's not, they'll definitely begin to fade out of the VK scene. . .

Speaking of the VK scene. . .Photobucket

Kanon Wakeshima is LOVE :D

Her songs are so fun ^__^

(And I'll be able to see her in concert soon ufufufufufuu :B)

*Download Suna no Oshiro here* (because it's a good song n_n)

But, yeah. She's a good musician and a good artist n__n

I want to be her friend D:

No, really. That would be so sweet.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Showbiz. . . or Shoubiz? O__o

Ahahaha I just read a blog entry from 6/6 and was slightly amused.

It's recording time- which means it's time for Shou to "sing enthusiatically" (as he puts it).





Ohohoho Shou have you always had such a clever sense of humor? >___> . . .

(Or, rather, has my sense of humor always been so lame? *laughed like an idiot for 10 minutes*)



All I can say is that I'm really expecting this new single to be good.

Alice Nine's latest single releases have been nice (Rainbows & Beautiful Name)- I heard no pitch discrepancies (though Cross Game and Mirror Ball are a little suspicious).

The thing is, their songs (for the most part) are always good. However, when it comes to recording them. . . I don't know what happens.


When they perform live, though, any issues there were in their recording disappears.

Yeah, it's a mystery.


But, yes, the countdown for their new single is underway!



Apparently it's in honor of their 5 year anniversary n_n They'll also be releasing a new book! *is excited*

They are also changing the trascription of their name from アリス九號. or alice nine./alicenine. to Alice Nine. . . which is probably good, but I was particularly fond of the period at the end of their name >_<

Maybe this means they'll finally try to become more global (yes, please come to America :D).


*can't wait for the new PV*  



. . . and that's all I have to say n_n