Alice Nine has officially become beyond cool. XD
No, seriously.
First their photos in Neo-Genesis and now. . .
Their new PV! yaaaaaaaaay :DDDDDDD
And their new song is AMAZING.
It's a perfect mixture of their raw rock sound with pop/electric.
Did I mention yay?
And Shou actually almost ACTED in this PV *gasp*
ahahaha I haven't forgotten their Number 6 movie XDD
Even in the magazine he's almost acting- like the picture where he looks like we're giving him a headache by looking at him.
... Which is totally possible.
I have a feeling he practiced his serious expression for months to get it right for the PV. No, I'm not kidding. O________O
Most of the time when Shou tries to look cool, he looks funny. REALLY funny. Maybe because he's older now, he's better at it? hahaha maybe all it took was turning 28. n_n
The only thing that took away from the song was Hiroto's solo- don't get me wrong- it was awesome (how could it not be? XD). But, awesome becomes a little less awesome when it's flat. DDDD:
Anyway, on another note: I saw Kanon Wakeshima perform live this weekend @ Otakon yaaaaaaay :D I was right in the front, too ^_^
She was really nervous O_O And a little off pitch. But she was still fun to watch.
I'm not as big of a fan anymore, though. . .
Maybe because she's not cool enough? :D
Gahahaa *cough*
Anyway, I found some Alice Nine cosplayers there and got a pic. They, of course, didn't really look like Saga and Hiroto, but they're costumes were spot-on! ^_^
They were super surprised that I actually recognized them ^.^
I saw Shou, later, and her (haha) costume was really good, too. She actually had the leopard pants XD
And that's all, I think. . . Oh, you should definitely check out Abington Boy's School "Desert Rose," if you haven't already. It's all in Engrish and super addicting ^_^
I'll give you a DL link because I'm cool.
... And did I mention cool?