Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Special-ness is Overwhelming Me.

I've discovered that my blog has been viewed. . . twice since its creation :D I feel so popular >w<

So, my discussion today: Prince of Tennis, What the Heck. *Ahem*

Somehow, I randomly decided to start reading this manga last night. I know that it's popular, so I thought, why not?

Actually, the truth is, I saw Seto's hair when he played Kikumaru in Tenimyu and thought, *wow, I really want to read a manga with a character in it who has hair like that!*

. . . . . .

On another subject, it seems that the manga endings in Shonen Jump this week were pretty dramatic. At least the faces were- particularly in the very last panels of a few. . .

Such as KHR:

One Piece (can someone please tell me who the heck this is? Did Robin become a mobster??):

But, the one that wins, most definitely, this week is Fairy Tale:

Um. . . wow. Gerard is special.

But, yeah, I have to say, it's about time they gave Hibari some face time. Kakkoii, ne? ^_^

Well, I'm done for today :)

I have to go read some more PoT. Though, I kind of feel like I'm reading Bleach or something because these tennis players are in severe battle mode. It's kind of scary.


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